Wanting this to be the Avatar of Gork, I decided to paint it green, as the Orks would probably want it to look as close to their god as possible. I based the green using Waaagh! Flesh and darkened and shaded it with a sepia wash. I then highlighted edges using Moot Green.
The skull on the belly, the spikes and the claws were all based with Zandri Dust. I then washed it with sepia, letting it fully dry before washing it again with Nuln Oil to darken it further and finally highlighting it with Rakarth Flesh.
As a result of my recent Death Guard projects, I developed a new metal technique that I really like, because it gives off a old, oily, well used metal look. I based in Lead Belcher, then hit it with a Sepia wash, giving it time to dry before the Nuln Oil wash and finally highlighting with Lead Belcher again.
I painted the head of the hammer to look like an engine from a Black Templar Storm Talon, since the Templars are my orks' most common Space Marine foe.
The base I used Stirland Battlemire, for a mud pit look.