The Lord of Contagion from the 8th Edition starter kit. This only took about 3 hours to paint and used a lot of the same paints techniques that I did on Mortarion. I did however, use the Blood for the Blood God technical paint on the blade for the bloodied look.
I also tried out the Stirland Battlemire texture paint for his base, the stuff is rough and grainy, but goes on fairly smoothly, only taking about 3 to 4 mintues to paint the base but the resulting muddy effect turned out well.
For the Bloat-drone, once again using the same style as on Mortarion and the Lord of Contagion. Though this one had a lot more fleshy bits, which were based with Kislev Flesh and washed with Sepia. The base is a bit more open than the Lord of Contagion's so in addition to using the texture paint for the mud, I did the same effect that I did for Mortarion's base and built a pool using skulls and then poured in Nurgle's Rot. I did do a second pour later after it dried though, which gave it a little better look in the end.
Love the blood effect! very convincing!