I still have a unit of bikers including an attack bike as well as a four man unit of scout bikes to go, but this unit of bikers is ready to go.
My two biker units are both built for dealing with heavy foes. This unit has two plasma gunners and a plasma gun sergeant who also has a Lightning Claw.
The techniques used are my standard black and metal work. Using Abaddon Black and highlighted with Rakarth Flesh for the black and Leadbelcher washed with Nuln Oil for the metals.
I did try something new with these bikes that I like a lot, which is the display screen. I based it in Caledor Sky and coated with Soulstone Blue. This gave it a deep, shiny blue that stands out.
Black Templar Primaris Reivers. These guys are new with this edition of 40k and are a terror troop unit. The helmets for these guys are what sold me on the unit, as the helm below the eyes is done to look like the lower half of a skull. As soon as them, I thought of doing the half skull half templar cross look.
The whole unit is equipped with close combat weapons and heavy bolt pistols, giving them a nice little punch up close. They are also given Grapple Launchers, allowing them to outflank from reserve but also ignore height for determining move distance, allowing them to climb any height terrain piece without penalty... I can foresee many a surprised ranged unit hiding on the roof tops.
Now for something completely different. Crimson Fists. A friend of mine decided after reading Rynn's World to start up Crimson Fists, inspired by their fluff. Being a gamer at heart and not a painter, he asked if I would paint his army for him.
This is one of the new Primaris Hellblasters, a heavy support unit that uses only Plasma weapons of varying combat capability, from close range, to on the move, to heavy long range.
I based the armour in Kantor Blue and washed with Nuln Oil and finally highlighting with Lothern Blue. The red bits are based in Khorne Red and washed with Nuln oil. The plasma coils for the rifle are done using a red version of my power weapon effect. Based with Stormhost Silver, washed with Carroburg Crimson and coated with Spiritstone Red.
Working on a Codex compliant chapter is interesting for me as Black Templar painter and player. Since taking on this painting commission I've learned squad symbols and companies.
I've kept to the tradition of Squad symbol on the right shoulder pad and chapter symbol on the left pad. I've taken to putting Company number on the left knee, leaving the right knee open for valor markings, should a model perform well in a match. As another little addition, I put squad number on the right shoulder pad as well, to help identify units during a match, such as two tactical squads that ended up in a melee combat,
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