Been working on my Deathwatch the last few painting sessions. The biker model came from the Kill Team Cassius kit, and came molded as a White Scar. Most of the model, and the rest of the Deathwatch, are based Abaddon Black and highlighted with a dry brushing of Rakarth Flesh. The black on the bike itself is highlighted with Leadbelcher. I also used Rakarth Flesh to base coat over the black before doing the white, which helped greatly. The bird flying along side him is painted in resemblance to a Bald Eagle, as one flew across my yard right before I went to paint the bird.

For this guy, I knew when building it I wanted him to have a shield and after later deciding on a lance as his weapon, went with the look of bracing for a charge. The power weapon effect I use these days I really like and is fairly easy to pull off. I based the blade in Runefang Steel and then washed in Drakenhof Nightshade, to give it the baseline metallic blue. After letting the wash dry I went over the blade with Soulstone Blue, which gave it the final look, which stays a shiny, slightly shimmery blue.
Sergeant Dracus for my Melee Kill team is from the Black Templars. The blade for him is a Xeno Phaseblade and has a very Necron feel. Necron energy weapons are commonly green, so I based in Warpstone Glow and highlighted with Skarsnik Green. For the inscriptions on the shield, I based in Leadbelcher and applied a fairly heavy wash of Nuln Oil to darken between the letters, and then dry brushed Leadbelcher again to brighten the letters back up.
Kill Team: Dracus is almost complete, I have a few more models to paint up to add in, a Terminator, Vanguard Vet with jump pack, and another veteran with a power lance.