Thursday, February 22, 2018

Black Templars and some commission work.

 More Bikes!
I still have a unit of bikers including an attack bike as well as a four man unit of scout bikes to go, but this unit of bikers is ready to go.
My two biker units are both built for dealing with heavy foes. This unit has two plasma gunners and a plasma gun sergeant who also has a Lightning Claw.
 The techniques used are my standard black and metal work. Using Abaddon Black and highlighted with Rakarth Flesh for the black and Leadbelcher washed with Nuln Oil for the metals.

I did try something new with these bikes that I like a lot, which is the display screen. I based it in Caledor Sky and coated with Soulstone Blue. This gave it a deep, shiny blue that stands out.

 Black Templar Primaris Reivers. These guys are new with this edition of 40k and are a terror troop unit. The helmets for these guys are what sold me on the unit, as the helm below the eyes is done to look like the lower half of a skull. As soon as them, I thought of doing the half skull half templar cross look.
 The whole unit is equipped with close combat weapons and heavy bolt pistols, giving them a nice little punch up close. They are also given Grapple Launchers, allowing them to outflank from reserve but also ignore height for determining move distance, allowing them to climb any height terrain piece without penalty... I can foresee many a surprised ranged unit hiding on the roof tops.

 Now for something completely different. Crimson Fists. A friend of mine decided after reading Rynn's World to start up Crimson Fists, inspired by their fluff. Being a gamer at heart and not a painter, he asked if I would paint his army for him.

This is one of the new Primaris Hellblasters, a heavy support unit that uses only Plasma weapons of varying combat capability, from close range, to on the move, to heavy long range.

I based the armour in Kantor Blue and washed with Nuln Oil and finally highlighting with Lothern Blue. The red bits are based in Khorne Red and washed with Nuln oil. The plasma coils for the rifle are done using a red version of my power weapon effect. Based with Stormhost Silver, washed with Carroburg Crimson and coated with Spiritstone Red.
Working on a Codex compliant chapter is interesting for me as Black Templar painter and player. Since taking on this painting commission I've learned squad symbols and companies.

I've kept to the tradition of Squad symbol on the right shoulder pad and chapter symbol on the left pad. I've taken to putting Company number on the left knee, leaving the right knee open for valor markings, should a model perform well in a match. As another little addition, I put squad number on the right shoulder pad as well, to help identify units during a match, such as two tactical squads that ended up in a melee combat,

Monday, February 19, 2018

Marshal Daloron of the Black Templars.

 This project has been sitting on my table for over a year, along with a host of other bikers that are up next. The bike itself I got from a friend, which if I remember correctly is a scout marine Outrider bike, but I decided to use it as my Marshal's (Captain) bike, as it stands out.
The Templar cross on the front is from Shapeways. I've ordered from them before for my Imperial fists. The various icons they make are a good fit on shoulder pads for my marines, and the angle on the bike's front happened to work well for the cross.
 I decided to throw a shield onto the back of the bike, as I tend to equip my Marshal's for long term close combat. So, if he gets into a melee battle and dismounts (Story wise, not so much game wise) he has his shield with him.
I also gave him a thunder hammer, as I imagine him doing high-speed chases for enemy vehicles, and a thunder hammer tends to be a good weapon for dealing with them up close. The bike itself is equipped with a bolter and plasma gun. Giving him ranged anti-infantry and some anti-heavy, such as vehicles and armoured infantry.

Friday, February 2, 2018

Deathwatch and Savage Orks

 Death Watch Librarian Lucius. This model is from the Kill Team Cassius box and is done up like a Dark Angel. I did his robe in Rakarth Flesh, washed in Nuln Oil and highlighted with Rakarth Flesh. I did the same power weapon effect as on other models, only I changed the base coat, which is now Stormhost Silver. I then washed in Drakenhof Nightshade and coated in Soulstone Blue.
 Death Watch Terminator Malygosen of the Night Dragons chapter. Most of his armour is done like my previous Deathwatch, but the blue scales on his armour are based in Kantor Blue, washed in Nuln Oil and highlighted with Lothern Blue.
 Death Watch Sergeant Lysan of the Imperial Fists. This guy is my ranged Kill Team sergeant, equipped with stormshield and combi-melta.
 Varryc of the Ravager Wolves. The last known loyal Space Marine of his chapter, he seeks to redeem his chapter's name in the Deathwatch. Carrying a Power Lance and chainsword.
 Savage orks! These guys were a lot of fun. The amount of skin showing on these guys, I based and highlighted in a variety of greens, as there were 30 orks in the unit. The bones are all based in Zandri Dust, washed with Sepia and highlighted with Rakarth Flesh. The straps and bandings are all based and highlighted with Rakarth Flesh, with a sepia wash in between.
 Another theme about the Savage orks that I did, with the amount of skin showing, was various tribal tattoos and markings, which I did in Averland Sunset.

Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Great Unclean One

 This was, as I figured, very fun and very disgusting to paint. Overall the painting took me about 6 hours to do, with about 2 of that being detailing all the infections across his body.
I based his skin in Castellen Green, washed with Sepia and highlighted with Skarsnik Green. For the infections I based in Genestealer Purple and then went over with Blood for the Blood God technical paint. For the tears in the skin, I based in Rakarth Flesh and washed with Carroburg Crimson.
The bell is based with Fulgurite Copper, washed in Sepia and highlighted with Leadbelcher.

 The tentacles coming out of his arm are also done in Genestealer Purple as the base and then gone over with Blood for the Blood God, leaving it that almost gut-wrenching red and it will stay shiny.

I enjoyed the tentacle arm enough that I built him with it, but still wanted the offhand weapon, so I found a spot on his side where the piece fit fairly well, giving it a look that he hooked the weapon into his side.

Saturday, January 27, 2018

Mechanicus Leman Russ and Great Unclean One WIP

After a suggestion from a friend, I decided to paint this Leman Russ as Mechanicus aligned that has been attached as added support to my Guard army. I did my Mechanicus split Orange-blue paint scheme, using Jokaero Orange and Caledor Sky as the base, followed by a wash of Nuln Oil and highlighting of Leadbelcher.
 As typical of my Mechanicus, the tank has their cog-toothed "K" on the left side. It is also currently equipped in Battletank load out, using a Battlecannon, Lascannon and sponson Plasma Cannons.

 I left all the gun barrels unglued, and the turret is magnetized, allowing me to set up any variant of the tank I want for any given battle.
On my upcoming painting list... This monstrosity that is the new Great Unclean One, equipped with the Doomsday Bell, which replenishes nearby friendly units every turn. This will be a very fun... and disgusting, project.

Thursday, January 25, 2018

Techpriest Kalia

 I got this model from a friend and not sure where it came from company wise. Being a very 40k like engineer, I decided to make her a Imperial Guard attached techpriest from my mechanicus world of Kath.
Being from Kath, I painted her in the Kath colours. The blue is based in Caledor Sky, washed in Nuln Oil and highlighted in Lothern Blue. The Orange is based in Jokaero Orange, also washed in Nuln Oil, and Highlighted with Averland Sunset. The highlighting of the orange is still experimental, I don't work with orange often, and still haven't found way I like best to highlight it.

On the back of her cloak, is the cog-tooth lining of my Kath mechanicus and on the blue is their offical symbol, the cog-toothed "K".

Of course... As I post this I realize I forgot to do the base... Oops!


 Its almost weird seeing these guys built and painted. This unit started as a birthday present from my Uncle several years ago. Due to other projects at the time, I didn't get around to them before my next birthday came around, when another box of 3 came in. At that point, I decided to wait until the following year, figuring I would get the final 3... To which... I did! A week ago I finally built the unit, and over the last couple days, got them fully painted.
The unit is actually broken into 3 groups using different coloured gas-masks so I can run them in units of 3 instead of the full group of 9.
I was entertained when I sat down to paint and noticed that the slabshields had warning stripes on the joints where the shields link up... I would think there would be bigger issues at hand if you were in a situation where those warning stripes would keep you from losing an arm to shields being linked...
The skin is based with Rakarth Flesh and washed with Sepia and highlighted with Rakarth Flesh. The metal bits are based with Leadbelcher, washed with Sepia and highlighted with Leadbelcher again.

The blue of the armour and shield is based in Caledor Sky, washed with Nuln Oil and lighlighted with Leadbelcher. The pants are also based with Caledor sky and washed with Nuln oil, but before the wash went on, I did camo stripes with white and Lothern Blue.

And, for my uncle... "OGRE PANTS!"

Friday, January 19, 2018

Watchmaster Odin.

 Watchmaster Odin, Commander of the Deathwatch in the Gol'reth sector.
Not really any different techniques from my other Deathwatch models, but certainly a fun one to paint. I did do a small conversion, using a Primaris Space Marine helmet instead of the helmetless option he came with.

Wednesday, January 17, 2018


 Been working on my Deathwatch the last few painting sessions.  The biker model came from the Kill Team Cassius kit, and came molded as a White Scar. Most of the model, and the rest of the Deathwatch, are based Abaddon Black and highlighted with a dry brushing of Rakarth Flesh. The black on the bike itself is highlighted with Leadbelcher. I also used Rakarth Flesh to base coat over the black before doing the white, which helped greatly. The bird flying along side him is painted in resemblance to a Bald Eagle, as one flew across my yard right before I went to paint the bird. 
 For this guy, I knew when building it I wanted him to have a shield and after later deciding on a lance as his weapon, went with the look of bracing for a charge. The power weapon effect I use these days I really like and is fairly easy to pull off. I based the blade in Runefang Steel and then washed in Drakenhof Nightshade, to give it the baseline metallic blue. After letting the wash dry I went over the blade with Soulstone Blue, which gave it the final look, which stays a shiny, slightly shimmery blue.
Sergeant Dracus for my Melee Kill team is from the Black Templars. The blade for him is a Xeno Phaseblade and has a very Necron feel. Necron energy weapons are commonly green, so I based in Warpstone Glow and highlighted with Skarsnik Green. For the inscriptions on the shield, I based in Leadbelcher and applied a fairly heavy wash of Nuln Oil to darken between the letters, and then dry brushed Leadbelcher again to brighten the letters back up.
Kill Team: Dracus is almost complete, I have a few more models to paint up to add in, a Terminator, Vanguard Vet with jump pack, and another veteran with a power lance.